Class rooms and school premises should be keptneat and clean.
Students have to bring to class all the text books, note books and other articles needed for the day.
They have to come well prepared for all the lessons previously done and after doing the day’s home work properly. Regular class tests will be conducted.
Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct will be inculcated by insistence and training.
Gold and other valuable ornaments should be avoided wearing in the school.
Every student is responsible for the safe keeping of his or her own belongings. The school will not take up any responsibility for their loss.
Medium of instruction in the school is English, the staff and students are expected to speak only English in the School Campus.
No parent will be entertained in class except in the event of emergencies.In case the parent feels the need to meet the class teacher, he/she should meet her with the prior permission of the Head Mistress after school hours.
Studentsshouldbe present in school strictly on time. Late comers will not be admitted in class. All the students should reach school 5 minutes before the first bell.
The school is not responsible for the child after the class hours.
Studentsabsentforthreedaysandaboveshouldproduceadoctor’scertificate duly signed by the Head Mistress
Students should be sent to school with neat, clean and complete uniform.
Toilet training is must for the child before joining the school.
If the child is not suitable for the next class, the promotion will be witheld.
Any damage done to school property in the class or in the school premises has to be made good. Students should take care of the equipments that have been lent for their use.