1. Parents seeking admission for their children have to produce their Birth Certificate of each child from the Municipal Office or the Gram Panchayat along with the application in the prescribed form obtainable from the School Office filled up and signed up by the Parents / Guardians.
  2. Age for admission to Standard I is five and half years as on 1st June. This is as per government directive.
  3. Pupils who have attended another school cannot be admitted without a Leaving Certificate from the school last attended and an entrance test.
  4. Promotion to the higher classes is based on the Student’s performance in all the examinations throughout the year.
  5. Pupils failing to pass each standard repeatedly may be asked to leave the School when the Principal judges it is a sign of incapacity to cope with the standard required by the School. Pupils failing twice in the same standard or thrice in different standards must discontinue their studies in this School.
  6. Irregular attendence, habitual idleness, disobedience or defiance of authority or conduct, injuries to the moral tone of the school and are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
  7. Leaving Certificates will be issued on the applications of the concerned Parent/Guardian on reasonable ground and after clearing all dues if any, to School.
  8. A Calendar month’s notice is to be given before the withdrawal of a pupil or else fee will be charged. Such notice should be given in writing by the person responsible for the pupil and not by the pupil. Those who leave in April, must pay their fees for the month of May.
  9. Pupil who leave without notice, and pupils whose names are struck off the rolls for unexplained absence of more than one month are as a rule not re-admitted.